
Romans 12:1-2
Kingdom Work (Week 2)

This year we have focused on building things that will last/Building for eternity. 

In the previous series we unpacked the important principle that worship is more than music/song, it is a lifestyle, it is a RESPONSE that must be cultivated. This response should NOT be relegated to a particular day of the week in a “special building”. This response is our highest calling.

During the KINGDOM WORK series we will focus on the importance of communal response. Any effort to build the Kingdom (Church) must be fueled by our individual and collective response to the Lord. He must be the one who sets our agenda and instructs our efforts. When this happens great things are possible (Building the tabernacle, rebuilding the wall, launching the early church). When it doesn't happen we can be busy, yet unproductive (Tower of Babbel, the molding of a Golden Calf).

Holy Spirit motivates us to serve each other and meet needs out of the overflow of worship (Acts 2:42-47, Rom 12:1-2, Ex 35:29, Neh 4:6), to value each other's gifts (1 Cor. 12), and to set aside petty conflict/division (Galations 6:10).

Key Verses : Romans 12:4-8, 1 Corinthians 12, The Book of Nehemiah