As we start the year with the theme “Yield”, this series is intended to give us a launchpad for any work of surrender in the lives of believers. For us to truly be transformed by a yielded life we must perceive who Jesus is to us. There are endless things to consider about the worth of Jesus and who He is, but as Jesus in Matthew 16 asks “Who do you say I am?” Peter perceives that Yeshua was not just his Rabbi, or salvation revealed (yeshua= Yahweh Saves), but He is the anointed Christ carrying the seal of Lordship/Kingship as the Son of the Living God. Jesus points to this revelation as the building blocks of what would be His church (ekklesia- called out ones). He also notes this as the undoing power that beats back the reign of death over this world. For the next two weeks, we will look at two lessons on this revelation.