Key Verses : Revelation 1:18, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, 1 Thes 4:15-17, Isaiah 44:4-7
In this last session, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together. He proved that He was everything He said He was. He was truly God incarnate (The Son of Man). His sacrifice was perfect (The Lamb of God). Death could not hold him. Jesus in raising from the dead became a life-giving spirit. Put against the backdrop of the lamb that dies in exchange for the sinner’s justification. We see the lamb rise again to bring new life to the forgiven. This brings us full circle to see that ONLY God who is the first and the last, the everlasting one, could do this. He found a way to give life to those separated from Him without violating His holy character. He stepped in as the Son of Man living the human existence, suffered as the lamb of God without blemish while being human, and the Spirit’s power rose from the dead to rebirth humanity with connection to eternal life. He ensured that His righteousness and justice in all things was realized while extending lavish grace and mercy to a lost world.